Summer Classes

Summer 2024 

Core Skill: Sensory Play!

Children (and adults) often retain new learning better when the senses are an active part of the learning. 

The Tinkergarten Summer Curriculum is designed to help each child strengthen and balance their senses in the great outdoors. Come join us for some messy fun!

Summer Schedule: 7 weeks! 1day/wk

Wednesday or Thursday 9:30-10:45*

June 12/13 to July 31/August 1 (No class June 19/20)

Join all 7 weeks for the price of 6 classes- $150. Make-Up classes will not be available.

Or request select dates-$25 per class (limited availability).

*Due to Heat: All classes begin at 9:30 AM. A large portion of the class time will utilize available shade but hats and sunscreen are encouraged. Summer paid classes include story time and lemonade!!! Water or ice will be incorporate into play as needed.